The Sound In Your Head

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Only Way Out Is Up

So I had a crap weekend. I mean an absolute crap weekend. Like the worst 2 1/2 days I've had in a year. And it's funny timing, as of Friday evening my school was officially closed for Winter Break. Normally when having a crap day I could go to school, meditate, work with one of my teachers or classmates do some energy shifting and 2+ hours later things would usually be humming again. Not so this time around - no - this was like a little preview of what life will be like on the other side when I graduate in February from Clairvoyant Training. No training wheels.

It's funny, when people who've attended my school talk about it they often liken it to Hogwarts, the magic school of the Harry Potter series. There is something magical about the place but not in a broomstick and eye of newt sort of way. People create amazing things and changes for themselves while they're there and all the work they do ultimately is of there own accord - no one will tell you what to do there - it's all about trusting your own information. There are techniques and a vocabulary that we learn as students but those are really just tools - the real work comes from within each student - just like in the Harry Potter series.

Well I flailed miserably this weekend succumbing to my own emotional meltdown as anyone who had to communicate with me I'm sure will attest. I nearly carried it into this week with me when I caught myself slipping into a mood this morning. And then something really interesting happened, for one second it occurred to me that I had choice. Now I'd been meditating on choice all weekend long, choice to feel miserable, choice to see things as darkly as I was seeing them, my yoga teacher even said in class on Friday 'that's all we've got in this life, nothing but choices'. Finally this morning I was able to firmly shift into choice and out of the funk. I realized for 10 seconds that the only way out was going to be up. And somehow I was able to do what I couldn't seem to do all weekend.


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