The Sound In Your Head

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Validation? We don't need no stinking validation!

From Merriam-Webster:


Function: noun
: an act, process, or instance of validating; especially : the determination of the degree of validity of a measuring device


Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French valide, from Medieval Latin validus, from Latin, strong, from valEre
1 : having legal efficacy or force; especially : executed with the proper legal authority and formalities a valid contract
2 a : well-grounded or justifiable : being at once relevant and meaningful a valid theory b : logically correct a valid argument valid inference
3 : appropriate to the end in view : EFFECTIVE every craft has its own valid methods
4 of a taxon : conforming to accepted principles of sound biological classification

My friend, validation. I look for it everywhere.

I envy people who live without the need for validation. Those who say "I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks" and really mean it.

The question is why do I give a damn?

In my mind, validation paves the way for shared understanding. What value does shared understanding have if no one gives a damn what anyone else thinks? But now I'm getting pessimistic.

Ugh - I'm working in an environment where I'm being encouraged to go off and basically find things to do for myself. This is not how I tend to work comfortably. I like having a handle on the big picture and working towards it with a lot of group consensus. This type of environment tends to breed a lot of validation.

But it seems I'm living in different times now and need to adapt.

I guess I need to be looking to myself for the validation.

I think this is a key to a block in my musical development although off the top of my head I can think of big period of my life where I most certainly did not seek validation for my music and ideas about music. In fact, I actively convinced myself that my path and ideas where right on the money *because* I didn't trust the sources of validation around me.

Where did my self propulsion engine go and why'd I trade it in for validation?


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