The Sound In Your Head

Friday, November 04, 2005

'By simply doing what they're designed to do, something large and magnificent happens.'

so to continue the riff on 'adaptation' dialog ..... i want to explore this statement.

it puts the idea of just being who i am into a context that works for me.

my life is far from normal while it may appear as such on the outside. i've never been one to overtly rebel or act out for the sole purpose of gaining attention. i am propelled to find ways to make my life more interesting and engaging for me. i'd rather be hanging off a cliff by a fingernail than bored. that said, i am not purely a thrill seeker. i love peace and solitude so much so that sometimes i worry that i inadvertently isolate myself.

but maybe, just maybe, all i am doing is what i am designed to do. where that design eminates from i won't get into today. but if i continue along this path without judgement or fear perhaps something large and magnificent happens. what that is? who knows.

my friend ben and i were talking about something related to this idea one evening over drinks at the hotel utah. he said something like "who knows, maybe you're part of a micro wave.". he wasn't talking about the kitchen appliance. his point was that it's hard to see from where we stand as individuals what we are a part of on a larger scale, just like laroche's flowers, "And neither the flower nor the insect will ever understand the significance of their lovemaking. I mean, how could they know that because of their little dance the world lives?"

some may argue that the larger scale perspective is merely a fabrication. but point is, its tough to see a greater context for your life while you're living it. perhaps when it comes down to it, as laroche says "the only barometer you have is your heart."


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