The Sound In Your Head

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Energy Of Dreams

I reckon this relates to the idea that we always have *choice* with regard to how we choose to see the world and how we choose to see ourselves.

It's recently come to my attention that dreams or aspirations have an energy level of their own. My question is do their energy levels help us realize them or do they just help comfort us/provide us with a distraction or other way of seeing something - i.e. 'I'm having a crap day at work but I feel better when I remember my dream of living in London and thus my energy shifts'.

You see I'm a little concerned about distinguishing the difference between the path of distraction and the path of realization. It's needless to say that I prefer that of realization - it's a much more rugged path but god knows more rewarding over the long haul.

I know that somewhere in here I need to consider the important idea of living in the present - present time energy - and in relation to dreams this is where the red flag lifts. How do you realize a dream while remaining in present time? Are aspirations and dreams something that really are reflections of a past that we project into the future? And if there is no time and space where energy is involved can you ride the wave of the energy of a dream without getting sucked into the future or the past?

I lived in the energy of my dreams as a kid - I survived through them - everything that I abhorred I could stomach because I knew that *one day* things would be different. But as an adult I reaped the other side of that field and had to encounter the energetic upshot of my childhood objections and rejections. To look back at decisions I'd made and feel the guilt that accompanies regret - regret for all the disdain and judgment I heaped on others if only in my mind - it was painful and cause for a good deal of reflection.

Over the last few weeks I've begun to feel the stirring of dreams - some old - some new - I'm cautious about how to work with their energy and regard them. Although pragmatism aside aspiring to create something beautiful feels fucking fantastic.


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