The Sound In Your Head

Monday, February 20, 2006

Holi-Day - Get Down With Your Internal President

Ahhhh - no work - well no office work, no screaming-in-silent teammates who can't or don't express themselves verbally, no repressed corporate attire, no grey walls, no accounts receivable or payable, this does constitute a holy day.

It's called Presidents Day - maybe what we could be honoring is not just the presidents of the past our dear Washington and Lincoln - but the 'presidential' in all of us however that manifests.

Merriam-Websters has four or five definitions for president. Here's one to look at:

"the chief officer of an organization (as a corporation or institution) usually entrusted with the direction and administration of its policies"

Isn't there a president within each of us? The person within entrusted to directing and administering our own internal policies - those being our path in life made up of values, beliefs, non-beliefs, dreams, aspirations, longings, knowings, feelings etc., etc.?


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