The Sound In Your Head

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lost Domain - Soul Freed

So long story short Network Solutions appears to have somewhat illegally sold off a domain that I've owned for many years - In February my registration expired and without notifying me or my technical contact of the expired status they sold it to someone who apparently now owes them money for it.

Thing is previous to this fucked up incident I'd been considering giving up the domain and moving everything over to another one I picked up last year. Something about owning the domain of my first name has always sat funny with me. People call it a vanity site and while I may be vain need it be so blatant? I mean a blog where I dish on what's going on with me is enough right? It's super subtle for sure ;-) but at least my first name isn't attached.

Well anyway, on the advice of Erik, I decided to just park and do the move. He suggested it was so rare to own the domain of your first name that I should definately hold onto it.

Well too late - it's gone - that ship has sailed and somehow I feel a little bit better even if NS is in the wrong.


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