The Sound In Your Head

Thursday, February 23, 2006

We Must Be Still And Still Moving

Breathe out ..... breathe in ...... follow the breath and see the thoughts float by. Label them 'thinking' and return to the breath.

I am checking out some Buddhist breathing meditation techniques after having put them on the shelf to go through clairvoyant training. It's interesting to return to them after 1,000+ meditation hours using different techniques.

I think I am most struck by the contrast between stillness of mind and body and mental chatter and physical distraction. To be still and still moving can be very challenging - I've done it in the past by stuffing my physical sensations into a sock somewhere and bribing my body into submission telling it 'just shut up now i'm going to fix things for both of us' and yet the body has a wealth of wisdom that really ought not be ignored.

I learned through my training how the body and being can communicate - what parts of the energetic structure facilitate the communication and I definitely learned how to listen to my body. But missing through all of this was how to work with the body in a meditation space, how to address the aches and pains, the physical distractions. Yoga is ultimately a preparation for meditation but here in the West we still think about it as a means for achieving the 15" waist.

This could be something very interesting indeed - I wonder now if I honored my body's information and actually worked with it instead of acknowledging and shelving it how different my life might be ....


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