The Sound In Your Head

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Am In The Mood

Yeah, it's time to cut loose, another one of those days when I want to go out late, dance really hard with my girlfriends and raise some hell.

We're still having indian summer and I'm having to work too hard. I keep thinking that Winter-ish weather is gonna kick in and it doesn't and when it doesn't all I wanna do is play.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Knife - Mezzanine SF 11/3/06

This was the show of the year in my book. Rarely do they perform and when they do it is not to be missed. Your ticket won't bring you closer to great musical virtuosity but it will bring you to one of the best audiovisual shows you can witness on a small scale.

The Knife works with visual talent Andreas Nilsson - or rather he works with them to creat a show in which neither audio or visual is subjugated by or for the other.

Two projection screens are setup: one at the front of the stage that the band performs directly behind and the other at the very back of the stage. When both screens are in use there is a holograhic effect that is produced and it is spectacular.

This phone interview will give some insight into just what the bloody hell I am talking about:

This is the type of show I've dreamed of making. Working with George Coates was about the closest I ever got to pulling something like this off myself. I'm sort of reinspired to pursue something like this because when done properly, as The Knife did at the Mezzanine on Friday night, it is something very special making the oft random visual imagery that accompanies trance and other dance music what is it - an after thought.

In a sense, we get to literally "see inside" the music. And that my friends is a sensual experience of the highest order.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm Trading Up My Online Dating Profile

Seems almost everyone I know who is single has an online dating profile; mostly on the hipster ghetto of FastCupid which incidently is owned by the largest online porn company in the biz. For those of you new to the game FastCupid serves up singles to Nerve, Salon and Onion registered daters. So as my good friend who happens to be moving in with his new girlfriend this weekend, Steve C. says you never know if you're date is a perv, lit head or wiseass.

I've done the online dating thing on and off since 1999.

Today ladies and gentlemen hung it up and pressed the 'delete profile' key.


Because it, for me, has become a mind fuck and collosal time suck.

FastCupid offers you the possibility of watching the behaivor of other site members. You can see who's checked you out, when their last login was, how long they've been active etc.. This is just enough info over time to make really poor assumptions about what people are up to instead of just asking direct questions outright.

New ridiculous questions have taken the place of normal questions people who are interested in each other ask like:

We've been dating for a month now; his profile is still active and he logged in yesterday.

What does that mean?

Do I ask him about it?

If I turn my profile off and he sees it what will he think?

Dating is difficult enough - why torture yourself with the added complexity of being able to watch pieces of your potential partners dating game behaivor.

I give up. Uncle.

My friend Zack is creating a new online dating service - Strange Angels - maybe he'll save us all from the gallows of online romance.

In the meantime, I'm free from the shackels of hotlists, winks, and 'who's viewing you'.

Thank Christ.